Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Travel Challenge

Today i spent a good amount of time on Jessica's Challenge...I went back to 1987 with the family's trip to Israel...this was fun and brought back so many wonderful memories!! I do want to say i did do a little housekeeping today (i hate it so much!!) My dh helped me clean out kitchen all know the one with all the plastic containers...yes, you do!! Half that plastic went in the trash!! and dated can goods (you all have them!) went in the trash too...gone are the days i cook for 4...has taken me almost 10 years to realize it so i don't need to have all these can goods...also, i was raised by parents who survived the know what that means...we had enough food in the cellar to feed the whole state of Vermont!! and then experiencing that winter storm-the big one in this Boston area...i started filling bookcases in the cellar with food i bought at Costco...scary!! I am changing my ways......

credits: Background Paper-M.Fenwick; Discover overlay, FiledPhotoFrames-KatiePertiet; Journal, map paper-CRenee; stacked papers, clip,wrapper-Kathryrn Balint, font-HoneyScript; all other elements-mine


Jeanne said...

Wow! This is a terrific layout! You should be very proud of yourself on this one.

Hope my cleaning spurt the other day didn't prompt yours! Egads! LOL

Carol said...

A great layout and looks like an awesome trip.

LOL, I must be the opposite of you, I clean out cupboards too often. My DH often complains there is nothing in the cupboard to eat, and he is usually right.

Anke said...

I love plastic containers and provisions. Bring on the bad times, I've got you covered, LOL. Good for you to be getting rid of all this stuff (send it my way)
I love your LO, left you some love on the playground