Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I am so EXCITED!!

i didn't want to say anything before because i was sooooooo nervous i would not get into the class BUT i made it....registration was last night at 9pm over at Jessica's for the Photography Class given by Candice Stringham...only 200 slots and it sold out in less than 10 minutes....BUT I AM IN!!...so you need a SLR camera so i bought one (Nikon D40)...it is on it's way to me with two lenses and of course the third lens was ordered this morning...(it is my birthday week so i can)..and then it all needs to go into a nice bag so that too is coming...i am so worth it.....(hee,hee) .. I have wanted to take a photography class and it was on the list to do when i retired and YEAAAAAAAAA now i will....hope this isn't too over my head....but i usually "get it" even if i have to go over it a few hundred times.....lol....


Jeanne said...

Whooo hooo for you Dawn! What a Happy Birthday week you are having! Awesome!

Can't wait to see what you learn. :o)

Anonymous said...

Happy Bday Dawn! Hope all your wishes come true! See you in class.
Annie :)

Carol said...

Yeah! I will see you in class! I can't wait either.